New media can improve Brooklyn College and all other colleges or universities in many different ways. One way in which I believe it can improve classes is in which lectures during common hours should be recorded either by audio or film. If a student misses a class due to an unfortunate circumstance, that child suffers because he is not gaining the knowledge and information that was taught during that class. Although you can read through the textbook or powerpoint to review the lecture that you missed, it is still not the same as gaining a direct explanation from a certified professor. Another way in which I would introduce new media into the College is by introducing a new application in which you can get in contact with your professor at anytime and the notification would be as if you are receiving a text message on your phone rather than an email. Although it is similar to emailing a professor, majority of the time, professors do not see those emails or take time in responding to them. With this new application, the receiver of the message would be notified right away with a notification on their home screen of their phone. An app that I would use for this would be one called Schoology. Schoology was introduced to myself in my microeconomics course and was extremely helpful. It was similar to blackboard however, you were able to submit homework, message a professor or classmate with getting an update to your home screen, and so much more.
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